inherit inherit v. 受け継ぐ, 相続する, 伝承する. 【副詞1】 Certain diseases are genetically inherited. ある種の病気は遺伝する. 【+前置詞】 He inherited a large fortune from his father. 父親から大きな財産を相続した She inherited her
estate estate n. (1) 地所; 《英》 団地; 〔法律〕 財産, 遺産; 不動産. 【動詞+】 accumulate an estate 財産を作る acquire an estate 財産を手に入れる administer the estate of a deceased person 故人の財産を管理する auction off a b
therefore , he was not able to inherit the family estate , and became a priest . よって家督を継げず、出家した。
at that time , primogeniture was becoming the common practice , and tsunenori claimed that according to primogeniture the kujo family , the descendant of the eldest son of michiie , should inherit the family estate . 当時、長子相続制が一般的になりつつあり、その論理に従えば道家の長男の子孫の九条家こそが家督を継ぐべき嫡流に当たるというのである。
in 1502 , masamoto adopted sumiyuki from the kujo family on the condition that he would inherit the family estate but in june , 1503 , he adopted sumimoto from the awa-hosokwa branch of the hosokawa clan as his heir and he disinherited sumiyuki . 文亀2年(1502年)、九条家から家督相続を条件に澄之を養子として迎えるが、文亀3年(1503年)5月、分家である阿波細川家から澄元を養子として迎えて家督相続を約束したため、政元は澄之を廃嫡する。
hakuei died in 1864 , but shuei kept his death secret and submitted a request to inherit the family estate in the following 1865 , then the family estate was allowed to him in the 3rd dan level at the age of 16 in 1867 , and thereby he became the 13th of hayashi family . 1864年(元治元年)柏栄死去し、その死を伏せたままで翌1865年に家督願いを出し、1867年(慶応3年)に16歳三段で家督を許されて、林家十三世となる。
motonaga supported sumiyuki hosokawa during the conflict to determine the heir to masamoto; when it seemed unlikely that sumiyuki would inherit the family estate , he schemed with nagatada yakushiji and magoshichi takeda and assassinated masamoto (eisho disturbance ) to support sumiyuki as the family head . 政元の後継者を巡る争いで元長は細川澄之を支持していたが、澄之が家督を継承する望みが薄いことを悟ると薬師寺長忠・竹田孫七らと共謀し、同年に政元を暗殺(永正の錯乱)して澄之を当主として擁立した。