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inherit the family estate 意味

"inherit the family estate"の例文


  • 家督を相続する
  • inherit     inherit v. 受け継ぐ, 相続する, 伝承する. 【副詞1】 Certain diseases are genetically
  • family     family n. 家族; 家門, 家系; 名門; 子女, 子供; 民族; 〔言語〕 語族; 〔生物〕 (動植物分類上の)科. 【動詞+】
  • estate     estate n. (1) 地所; 《英》 団地; 〔法律〕 財産, 遺産; 不動産. 【動詞+】 accumulate an estate
  • the family     the family 一門 いちもん 家人 かじん
  • family estate     家督{かとく}、一家{いっか}の地所{じしょ}
  • inherit an estate    家督{かとく}を相続{そうぞく}する
  • inherit my father's estate    父の遺産を受け取る
  • inherit one's father's estate    父の遺産を受け継ぐ
  • inherit the family homestead    家産{かさん}を相続{そうぞく}する
  • inherit the family property    家督を相続する
  • family estate    家督{かとく}、一家{いっか}の地所{じしょ}
  • inheritance of family estate    家督相続{かとく そうぞく}
  • inherit     inherit v. 受け継ぐ, 相続する, 伝承する. 【副詞1】 Certain diseases are genetically inherited. ある種の病気は遺伝する. 【+前置詞】 He inherited a large fortune from his father. 父親から大きな財産を相続した She inherited her
  • to inherit    to inherit 受け継ぐ うけつぐ 譲り受ける ゆずりうける
  • estate    estate n. (1) 地所; 《英》 団地; 〔法律〕 財産, 遺産; 不動産. 【動詞+】 accumulate an estate 財産を作る acquire an estate 財産を手に入れる administer the estate of a deceased person 故人の財産を管理する auction off a b


  • therefore , he was not able to inherit the family estate , and became a priest .
  • at that time , primogeniture was becoming the common practice , and tsunenori claimed that according to primogeniture the kujo family , the descendant of the eldest son of michiie , should inherit the family estate .
  • in 1502 , masamoto adopted sumiyuki from the kujo family on the condition that he would inherit the family estate but in june , 1503 , he adopted sumimoto from the awa-hosokwa branch of the hosokawa clan as his heir and he disinherited sumiyuki .
  • hakuei died in 1864 , but shuei kept his death secret and submitted a request to inherit the family estate in the following 1865 , then the family estate was allowed to him in the 3rd dan level at the age of 16 in 1867 , and thereby he became the 13th of hayashi family .
  • motonaga supported sumiyuki hosokawa during the conflict to determine the heir to masamoto; when it seemed unlikely that sumiyuki would inherit the family estate , he schemed with nagatada yakushiji and magoshichi takeda and assassinated masamoto (eisho disturbance ) to support sumiyuki as the family head .
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